Revised, October 2004
Section 1.
The name of the organization shall be the Middle Atlantic Association of Liberal Arts Chemistry Teachers (MAALACT).
Section 2.
It shall be the purpose of this Association to bring together teachers of chemistry in the non-tax supported 2- and 4-year liberal arts colleges of the East Central region of the United States for exchange of ideas and for general mutual helpfulness in their profession. This region shall be defined as including the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia, together with areas reasonably adjacent to the borders or the above seven states, not otherwise served by a similar association or agency.
Section 1.
Active membership in this Association shall be open to those persons who are members of the chemistry faculties of the several colleges included within the definition of Article I, Section 2. In addition, others who have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Executive Council their interest in chemistry teaching and in the purposes and work of this Association, as well as retired faculty members of the several colleges listed above, shall be considered as members.
Section 2.
Members who have been active for five or more years and are now retired from active status shall be designated as emeritus members.
Section 3.
Honorary membership may be accorded persons who have meritoriously served the chemistry education community, particularly liberal arts chemistry education. The honorary member is determined by election of the Executive Committee.
Section 1.
The general officers of the Association shall consist of the president, president-elect, and secretary-treasurer. In addition the following five regions - Virginia, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania (Eastern Pennsylvania is the area east of and including St. Francis College of Loretto), Western Pennsylvania together with West Virginia, and Maryland together with Delaware and the District of Columbla shall have one represencative chosen by its own membership to serve a two-year term. The representatives from 1. Eastern Pennyslvania and 2. Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia shall be elected during even-numbered years, while the representatives from the other regions shall be elected during odd-numbered years. In addition one at-large representative shall be appointed by the President to serve a one-year term concurrent with that of the President. These representatives, together with the three general officers and the immediate past president, shall constitute the Executive Council.
Section 2.
These general officers shall have the responsibilities and duties usually assigned to their respective offices, including the arrangement of the annual program, etc. The president shall have the responsibility of appointing committees required for various activities of the Association.
Section 3.
Vacancies in the membership of the Council caused by resignation or death shall be filled by a majority vote of the Council, except in the case of a vacancy in the position of president or president-elect. In case of a vacancy in the position of the president, the president-elect will assume the duties of president. If a vacancy occurs in the position of president-elect, it shall not be filled.
Section 4.
All matters of general policy must be considered and passed upon by a majority vote of the Council.
Section 1.
There shall be at least one meeting per year of the Association, held on the campus of a college where at least one member resides.
Section 2.
There shall be at least one session of the Council during the annual meeting period, at which time the locality and date will be set for the next meeting of the Association.
Section 1.
The immediate two past presidents shall constitute a nominating committee for a slate of the general officers to be elected at a final business session of the annual meeting. The committee shall solicit recommendations for the slate from the regional representative and the president.
Section 2.
Opportunity for nomination from the floor shall always be given by the presiding officer at the final business session. In case of a single slate of officers, the vote shall be by acclamation. There competing names are presented for a given office, the vote shall be by written ballot.
Section 3.
Each region during the appropriate year shall elect its representative by nomination and vote of its own group of members at the annual meeting.
Section 4.
The term of the general officers shall be one year, with the exception of the secretary- treasurer, who shall serve a two year term.
Section l.
Suggested amendments shall be submitted in writing to the secretary-treasurer of the Association at least ninety days before a meeting of the Association.
Section 2.
The secretary-treasurer will circulate the proposed amendments to all members along with the notices of the annual meeting. Members who wish to file objections to the amendments with the secretary-treasurer must do so in writing at least ten days before the meeting.
Section 3.
Adoption of the amendments shall by a two- thirds majority vote of the members present at the association meeting.
Section 4.
By-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Council.
1. Annual Dues.
Effective October 2004, there are no Annual dues. Costs are covered by the registration fees for the yearly meeting.
2. Membership.
The active members shall be those whose dues are not more than one year in arrears. A member who becomes more than one year in arrears for dues shall be removed from the membership list. Reinstatement with full membership privileges shall require payment of back and current dues, but the assessment for back dues shall not exceed two year's dues.
3. Quorum.
Twenty percent of the active members shall constitute a quorum at any business meeting.
4. Guests.
At the annual meeting of the association, members may sponsor a limited number of guests. Invitations to such guests are to be issued only by or with the approval of either the president of the Association or a member from the host institution.
5. Registration Fee.
A registration fee for annual meetings shall be charged. The registration fees shall be set by the Executive Council.